
Fundraising at Altamont Creek

Every year the students, staff, and families of Altamont Creek Elementary work very hard to help raise extra funds to make the wildcat experience even more special.

This year's fundraising efforts may look a little different. Our team of PTA volunteers along with Principal Tapia and teachers/staff feel the importannce of school safety and security. We are working hard to find new, creative, and inventive ways to help bring needed funds to our campus community, while also being aware that many of our families and friends have been greatly impacted by the current pandemic.

Last year, as a team, we were able to raise $60,000 to give back to Altamont Creek Elementary. These funds were used for purchasing Chromebooks, increasing and replacing recess/PE equipment, and helping to fund the online programs Freckle and ST Math, among other things.

This year our goal is to raise $100,000 to help pay for the cost of improving our campus safety and security, such as push bars all around campus, more security cameras campus and other safety and security items along with funding to offset the costs of improving and maintaining our wildcat technologies, providing funding for wildcat events, and hopefully help to supplement some of the amazing activities the staff provides to every wildcat.

Thank you in advance for your donation and participation in helping raise the funds our school needs.

-Altamont Creek PTA

For more information about each of our fundraisers, please click the links below!